Member since 3-Oct-09

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Guestbook for Chelsea Ann Photography
Linda Warren (Jim & Linda's Photography)(non-registered)
Hi Chelsea,
Jim has left the business and I am not a "people" photographer.
I need someone to refer photography clients to who need things like
wedding and portrait photos.
Are you interested?
If so, please call me at my office 263-3658 or home 263-0181.
Nila Renee(non-registered)
Hey lovely! Thank you for taking those awesome pics. You are pure awesomeness! :-) xoxox
sarina beckel(non-registered)
Alyssa Estrada(non-registered)
Well done Chelsea! Congrats. You take lovley photos. I would love to have a session with you.
Gloria Rivas(non-registered)
I love your pictures. I think me, your mom and Kristy should have you do us - all together. friends pics.
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